Once again, TopHat’s low carbon homes are hailed as winner at a prestigious industry event. The event held last night (Wednesday 1st Decemeber) celebrated this years successes within the residential sector.




"TopHat has quietly and successfully set about creating one of the lowest-carbon-impact homes in the UK. Through intelligent design, innovative material choices and precision engineering, its homes are delivered in a nigh-on zero-carbon manner, emitting just 729kg per entire house in manufacture, a fraction of traditional construction.

A TopHat home will save 61,828 kg of carbon dioxide over the life of the house. This is a 55% reduction in the amount of the carbon dioxide when compared with a traditional masonry-built house, or a saving equivalent to living car free for more than 30 years. A traditionally built house has the same embodied carbon of 27 TopHat homes."

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